Hey Knowing Your Best Workout
Fitness is a hot topic. Celebrities are constantly taking pictures of themselves hitting the gym and there are several at-home workouts sweeping the nation. Hopefully, you are finding yourself invested and excited about the fitness train. Fueling your body and keeping it healthy leads to a healthier and longer life. If you are new to the exercise train, you may be completely overwhelmed on where to even start. With weight training, cardio, healthy eating, and workout plans, there really is a lot to keep track of. Stick to the basics and develop a plan that works for your lifestyle, but also for your body. Not every exercise works for everyone, and different body types mean you may see results in a different way from your peer. Getting healthy is an incredibly personal journey, so start by finding the best workout plan that will make you happy and healthy.
Fit To Your Body Type
Some people think they can walk into a gym, run thirty minutes, and lift some weights and automatically look super buff. That may not be the case for everyone. There are many different body types that all react to exercise in different ways. Most humans fall into three categories of body type: ectomorph (lean, difficulty gaining muscle), endomorph (bigger, stores body fat), or mesomorph (muscular with high metabolism). Depending on how your body reacts to training, you may want to base your routine around what it needs. For example, cardio burns fat and energy quickly in ectomorphs, so in order to bulk up muscle, you should avoid cardio and focus on multi-rep strength training. An individual with an endomorph body type may be someone who begins exercising to lose weight. If this is the case for you, don’t get too caught up on the treadmill. Instead, combine cardio with weight training to keep your muscles working, even after your workout is done. If you consider yourself a mesomorph, don’t take your natural athletic build for granted. In this case, your training involves pushing yourself to the athletic standard your body already fits. Also, eat right with a healthy amount of protein and a low amount of carbs, and maybe consider a Mesomorph pre workout to make your time at the gym go that much further.
Different Programs
It is completely understandable that not everyone loves hitting the gym. So the key is to find a program you actually enjoy and stop making excuses. If you’re the type to feel judged in a public gym setting, search for YouTube videos where experts can help lead you through a workout in the convenience of your own home. If you get bored running on the treadmill for 45 minutes straight, consider downloading an entertaining podcast or find a workout buddy who will help motivate you. Or perhaps you’re just extremely busy and can’t make it to the gym every day. Something as easy as taking the stairs rather than the elevator at work will help you start getting into a healthier mindset. There are so many fun group activities now available to make exercise a part of your day. Pilates, pound, insanity, yoga, bicycling, even aerialist art forms are great ways to have fun while working out.
Feed Your Body Well
The key to make the most out of any workout is to feed your body well before and afterwards. Spending an hour at the gym won’t yield maximum results if you spend the rest of your day eating fast food. Feeding your body with good proteins and healthy carbohydrates before a workout will help grow your muscles quicker. You may even want to consider supplements whether gaining muscle or losing weight are your main goals. Something like Lipodrene to suppress your appetite or protein powder to bulk your muscles may help you get the most out of your workout. Seeing results can lead to a continued excitement and energy for healthy living. Your diet may vary based on your own unique health needs as well. If you are gluten intolerant, cut back on your bread intake or look for alternative options. Or if you experience tremors, you may need a supplement of natural remedies for essential tremors like Tremor Miracle. Your diet should be just as unique to your needs as your exercise regimen is.