Kavan Choksi- How Does Currency Pegging To The USD Benefit A Nation?

The principle of currency pegging has been around for ages now, and the currencies of the GCC nations have been pegged to the US dollar since the 1980s. The Dirham of the UAE is pegged to the US dollar, and the wealth of the region has increased extensively ever since. Economic activity, foreign investment, and development have been boosted in the area since the currencies of the UAE and Saudi Arabia have been pegged to the US Dollar. Now, the obvious question arises, why and how do nations benefit from currency pegging, and why do they choose the US dollar for the task?
Kavan Choksi- Eminent Business And Finance Specialist, Speaks On Currency Pegging To The USD
Kavan Choksi is an esteemed expert in the field of business, finance, and investments. He is also fond of jazz and the history of American music. According to him, currency pegging to the USD carries a lot of advantages to the nation. However, before getting into its benefits, one must understand the reason for currency pegging to the USD for the economic growth of the region.
Why Is The USD Dollar Chosen For Currency Pegging In The International Market?
The key reason behind currency pegging to the USD is that the dollar is the globe’s reserve currency, and it makes a lot of nations want to peg their currencies to it. A large volume of international transactions is carried out in dollars, and those nations that heavily bank on their financial sector peg the value of their currencies to the US dollar. Some examples of the above countries are Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.
Maintain Competitive Prices
The other nations that export to the USA peg their local currencies to the USD to maintain competitive pricing in the market. They attempt to keep their currency’s value lower than the USD. This value renders them a comparative advantage as exports to the USA become cheaper.
Again, other nations like the oil exporting countries of the GCC peg their local currencies to the USD because oil is sold in the global market in dollars. These nations have a lot of US dollars in their wealth funds under the sovereign. These dollars are re-invested in businesses in the USA to gain a higher return.
How Does The Dollar Peg Work?
The dollar peg deploys a fixed rate of exchange. The Central Bank of the nation promises to issue you a fixed sum of its currency in exchange for a US dollar. The government must have a large number of dollars to maintain the peg. Due to the above, almost all of the nations that have a currency peg to the USD enjoy significant exports to the USA. These companies, in turn, get a lot of payments in US dollars, and they exchange them for their local currencies to pay their domestic suppliers and workers.
According to business expert Kavan Choksi, when local currencies are pegged to the dollar, trading increases in the international market. As a result of the above foreign investors are more interested in investing in the region, and this, in turn, boosts its economic growth with success.