All Natural Teeth Whitening, Teeth Whitening Remedies

There are those things that almost everyone likes and would do anything to have them, things like thick shiny hair as well as white teeth go hand to hand and for a fact this may push you to get to whatever heights to ensure that you get the combination.
In our cosmetically driven world, people would spend over $1.4 billion over the counter in teeth whitening products every year. This maybe a good deal to work with the help of your dentist so as to get that taste of a wonderful white smile. However there are several things that in return may not be of help for you instead. Beyond all this teeth whitening products may at the end of it all cause your teeth to hurt. That not what you want as the end result. Our Toronto dental implant specialist Studio B Dental has convenient tips to help you on getting the right smile.
Why teeth get yellow
Before we plan on how to whiten our teeth its important to know why do they get yellow at first, this way it will be easy to deal with the root problem. A persons tooth is made up of 4 tissues. Enamel, dentin, pulp and cementum. All these vessels cover the tooth and with a good oral hygiene practice plus the right choice of food and drink it’s easy to prevent your tooth from turning yellow.
Here are a number of teeth whitening remedies that maybe of help for you and you will be proud since this is an all natural teeth whitening process.
Strawberry, baking soda scrub and salt
Strawberry are known to be high in vitamin C. this vitamin C is ideal to break-down the plaque that causes your teeth to look yellow. It also contains an enzyme called malic acid which helps in removing the surface stains. The salt is just an abrasive portion of the paste, it physically scrubs away all the stain causing gunk. Baking soda is an ingredient that you may opt to leave out in your paste preparation, but it feels good when it spices up your paste.
Lemon juice and baking soda paste
When you thing of going All natural teeth whitening this paste will definitely get you the looks you are longing for. Sodium bicarbonate the official name for baking soda, is a mildly abrasive, it helps in scrubbing the surface stains which to ensure that you get your teeth white again.
Coconut oil rinse
This is another most easy way to ensure that your teeth get back the color, it may sound funny. But if you give it a try you will be sure that the results will be rewarding. The coconut oil is a old style remedy that will give you the results you desire to achieve.
You can also get your dental implants from the studioBdental Toronto. The specialists ensure to align your dental formula using all means possible. In case your teeth are badly off, they align using clear braces for adults or invisalign braces .