Jason Wible Frenchcreek Discusses The Importance And Use Of Safety Harnesses

Any company that has workers doing their tasks at high places must invest in safety harness from renowned companies like FrenchCreek Fall Safety for their protection. As pointed out by Jason Wible Frenchcreek safety harness basically are a piece of equipment designed to prevent people from falling from a height. It will allow people to attach themselves with an immovable object, thereby making sure that they do not hit the ground even after tripping or falling from a height. FrenchCreek Fall Safety is a manufacturer of high-quality fall protection equipment. They were recently recognized for their 30 years of service by the Erie-based Manufacturers and Business Association.
Jason Wible Frenchcreek Mentions Why Using Properly Using A Safety Harness Is Extremely Vital
Falling from height is one of the main causes of injury in the workplace. Therefore, it is vital that employers equip their workers with the right equipment and supplies, if they have to work at a height. Safety harnesses are widely used by roofers, power-line workers, window washers and cell tower technicians. Apart from such work sites, people may also see such harnesses in recreational activities like bungee jumping and rock climbing.
A safety harness is essentially a part of a fall arrest system. To remember how to use it, workers can simply use the ABC acronym- anchorage, body harness, and connecting device. The connecting device or lifeline attaches the harness to the anchorage. Altogether, it is able to suspend the wearer in the air in case a fall takes place. If a person does not use a safety harness while working at a height, they might slip or trip accidentally without something to catch them. This might result in serious fatality or injury. More often than not, there would be workers who do not pay heed to safety instructions and do not wear safety harnesses properly as they do not understand the dangers associated with it. However, such negligence can be extremely risky. A safety harness is easy to put on as long as people follow the relevant instructions, and hence it is better to not take any risk and wear it anytime working at a height.
As underlined by someone like Jason Wible Frenchcreek wearing a safety harness can provide workers a much needed peace of mind. For instance, if someone is working more than 10 feet off the ground as a roofer or washer, they would be more concerned about trying not to fall down instead of focusing on their work. After all, a simple slip from that height can lead to disastrous consequences. However, when worn in a proper manner, a safety harness can help in providing confidence to the wearer, particularly if they are nervous about working at a height. Knowing that there is proper equipment in place to protect them from fatalities or injuries in the event of a fall is quite helpful in providing the workers with the necessary confidence. Moreover, the knowledge that their workers have a proper safety harness and know how to use it properly will also provide peace of mind to the employers. In case an employee gets hurt at the workplace, the employer may land into legal trouble. Hence, it is critical for them to take proper care of worker safety.