Facing The Most Common Worries During Pregnancy

Have you ever known a pregnant mother who didn’t sail through all 40 weeks of pregnancy without worrying about the health of that baby growing inside her? If you have, they are surely in the minority. They worry about everything from being exposed to dangerous chemicals in the foods they eat to problems in childbirth.
So then, what are some of the most common worries during pregnancy and how can you dispel them? That’s a good question. We can offer some of the most common concerns and maybe a bit of advice, but each mother has her own journey toward childbirth. Let’s hope it helps to know you are not alone.
Birth Defects And Genetic Disorders
This is one of the most common, if not the most common, concerns pregnant women have and especially so if there are genetic abnormalities within their (or their husband’s) families. This is where modern medicine steps in with such things as laboratory tests on amniotic fluid and pregnancy scans from just ten weeks at private clinics in London for pregnancy care.
With the NHS being so overwhelmed, it is difficult to get the level of care needed to alleviate concerns, so opting for private pregnancy care can address this and other issues pregnant mums are facing.
This concern can come about with the slightest twinge as your uterus begins expanding to account for the added width needed for that child growing inside you. Many women worry at the thought that they might be suffering a miscarriage. Most of the time twinges are normal, but of course, there is always cause for concern. This is especially the case if you’ve ever suffered a miscarriage in the past.
Again, this is where a private clinic or physician can be of the greatest help. You can get in quicker to diagnose what is going on. Usually, unless there is spotting or your waters are breaking in later months, it’s just normal ‘expansion’ pains as your body labours (odd choice of words?) to accommodate the stretching of the abdomen.
Delivery And Stillbirth
Not only do pregnant women fear the pain that comes along with birthing a child, most common in first-time mothers, but they also fear giving birth to a stillborn baby. It’s a common worry. We can’t wait until a healthy baby pops its head out for entry into the world. Once again, modern medicine and technology can often detect if there are any issues that would prevent a ‘normal’ birthing and C Sections are always an option in cases where the life of mum and/or baby are concerned.
Just know that your obstetrician is there to help you address any of the concerns you may have and that there really are so many ways in which technology is able to detect many of the issues mentioned above. It is all well and good for us to advise you to relax and consult with your doctor, but we aren’t carrying that little person around with us are we? With that said, if you are facing extreme worries, do talk to your doctor. The answer could be just a scan away.